Thursday, June 23, 2011

Contest Winners! :)

Hey everyone! :) My contest has finally ended.

I only got 4 entries for this contest. I have to admit...I was expecting more than that because I put a lot of work into making those templates. Oh well! :) It beats the 0 entries I got for my last contest. LOLZ =D
So...the two lucky winners are:

Mo and love, I need you both to invite me to become an author and then make me an admin so that I can install the template on your blog.
My email is
Also, I need you both to give me a pic of your cho on a white background for me to use in your banner, header and signature! :)

Boy! What I do for you guys. xD :)
Also, This a signature made for me by the fabulous dizzzyyy, which I then had fun modifying with Picnik.
I've never used picnik before. Hope you don't mind too much dizzyyy. I have a lot of signatures!! xD

P.S. I have made a new blog banner! :) What do you think of it?


  1. Cute blog banner! Mind if I put it on my blog?

  2. @☼♫Lollyxpop♫☼
    No of course not! :)
    Thanks for everything lollyxpop. =D

  3. I CANNOT believe I won. Lol xD
    I was on my blog, looking at your banner. I knew your contest ended today, so I hurried on here saying "I'm not going to win" and I did. I was so happy. Lol. woooot :D Before I do anything, which template am I getting? Thanks.


  4. @mo29115

    Hey Mo! :)
    Rosey already added me as an admin so I've given her the pink template. That means that you get the blue one. It'll look really good when I put it on your blog. What is your blog link btw? :)

  5. Yay! I wanted the blue one. I was wondering because I like when my outfit matches. Whats her blog?

  6. @Tapity1

    Ok, so I added you as author. Once you say yes, I'll make you a admin. Here is the link to the picture of my playercard:

    Thank you soo much taps. xD

    The blog is


Be appropriate please. If you wish to post a picture paste this into a comment box:
and replace the link with the direct link to your picture. :)